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Understanding the Weakest Points of a Building’s Acoustics

28 November 2016
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

If your office building has very poor acoustics, meaning that sound seems to bounce around and echo, this can be very distracting to your workers. Trying to concentrate on a phone call or project can be difficult if they can hear every noise around them, while it can also be difficult to focus on a speaker in a conference room if noise is bouncing around the room. Echoing sound can also mean difficultly keeping confidential conversations quiet. Read More …

Three Steps For Using Topsoil To Create A Better Lawn

22 November 2016
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

A lush, green lawn is the desire of every homeowner, but as someone who has just moved into a home with a neglected lawn, you have some work to do to bring it back to life. Spring is the perfect time to start repairing your lawn, as it is the season when all plants begin to grow again after the cold winter. However, there are a number of steps to take when it comes to adding new topsoil to your lawn. Read More …

Three Reasons You Should Consider Buying a Rain Water Tank

22 November 2016
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

With a changing climate, and the unpredictable weather patterns that come with it, people all around the world have been forced to rethink how they approach sustainable living. Infrequent droughts and mandatory water rationing have become increasingly common throughout Australia, mirroring the added value Australians are placing on one of our most precious resources: fresh drinking water. As such, the case for investing in clean rain water tanks is stronger than it has ever been and no longer only relevant to those living in rural communities. Read More …

Four Tips for Protecting and Respecting Neighbouring Properties During Contamination Remediation

30 September 2016
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

If you are developing a site and you've discovered that you need to do site contamination remediation, you also need to keep in mind how the remediation efforts may affect neighbouring properties. Wondering what you should consider? Here are some tips to help you and protect your neighbours through the process:  1. Get permission for site contamination assessments on neighbouring properties. If for any reason, you need to assess site contamination issues on neighbouring properties, get permission from the landowner before starting that assessment. Read More …

To Store or Not to Store – Do You Need a Battery Storage System for Solar Energy?

28 September 2016
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

One of the most burning questions among potential solar power system clients is whether to purchase a battery storage system. A battery or energy storage system is used to store solar energy during the day so it can be used at night when there is no solar radiation. A battery system is an added cost to the investment and many people often find themselves confused as to whether it's a viable investment. Read More …

About Me
Do You Know Your Carbon Footprint?

As a keen environmentalist and nature-lover, I've started this blog to help people understand the impact they might be having on the world around them. I'll be taking about your energy usage and how to reduce it, your recycling habits and how to improve them and the things that affect your carbon footprint the most--as well as giving tips on sustainable living and how to make better eco-friendly choices. Helping to save the planet needn't be difficult, expensive or boring. With a little effort, you can affect real change on our planet--so why don't you learn something new here now, and start today?
